Review on first endurance EFS liquid shots

The EFS liquid shot is like no other. No more tearing off the top of a sticky gel and having to consume it all at once. No more dealing with the refuse of wrappers that come with some other products.


The EFS liquid shots come in 130 ml reusable hand held flasks. Just pop the top & take a small sip. What you don’t use you can pop it back in the fridge and keep it for the next training session or race.

The Liquid shot outperforms other gels in all areas. One reason is it does not contain gelling agents or gaur gum. These are the last things an endurance athlete wants to use. Gelling agents and gaur gum slows down absorbtion and can cause stomach issues.

The lack of these gelling agents is also the reason the EFS liquid shot is consumed more easily: you can mix it in your drink bottle or sip on it every 15-30 minutes along with fluids separately

Each shot contains one 400 calorie serving which far outdoes other gels, which generally contain little over 100 calorie servings. Further to this, in each EFS shot you get a whopping 1000 mg of amino acids made up of 500 mg luciene, 250 mg isoluciene and 250 mg valine. BCAAS are very important in endurance exercise. The body burns a lot of aminos/proteins under intense exercise. By training with a formula that combines these amino acids you are replacing what is being burned and setting the body up to absorb the work you are doing and recover faster for your next training session or race.

EFS liquid shots have all five electrolytes to keep the system functioning. This is important to keep the body in balance. It is no good to just have high sodium and one or two other electrolytes in the belief sodium is all you need to avoid cramping. It isn’t. Each shot contains 150 mg calcium, 120 mg magnesium, 600mg chloride, 400 mg sodium and 290 mg potassium to have you firing on all pistons.

Best of all, First Endurance have done a great job with the flavours. My favorite is the Vanilla.